Join us to help Bluff Lake Nature Center thrive!
Volunteers are essential to support Bluff Lake’s mission of educating individuals to be engaged, resilient, and curious; conserving a natural area in the city; furthering equity in outdoor access; and nurturing the health and well-being of communities and ecosystems.
We couldn’t serve our broad and diverse community while protecting this valuable natural gem in the middle of the city without our volunteers - thank you to all who give their time and service!
Help us keep this unique Denver urban wildlife refuge thriving!
Join the group of dedicated volunteers who are responsible for helping Bluff Lake be a clean and blossoming ecosystem full of life and biodiversity.
Land Steward Volunteers are in charge of a myriad of tasks across the site. Projects range from trash pickup to habitat restoration like invasive plant species removal.
This will definitely be a fun and rewarding experience in which you can learn a lot too! We will provide all the tools and training you need so this opportunity is for all levels.
If you are interested in becoming a Land Stewardship Volunteer, please follow the link at the top of the page.
If you are interested in bringing a class or group, check out our field trip page for educational stewardship programs!
Did you know Bluff Lake is also an outdoor classroom?!
Through their enthusiasm and guidance, volunteer educators make science fun and meaningful for kids! You will play a key role in giving our young visitors first-hand nature experiences, environmental lessons, and plenty of time to explore.
You are not required to have teaching experience or an environmental science background–just plenty of energy and enthusiasm! We will provide all the lesson plans, materials, training, shadowing, and support you need.
We encourage those who are bilingual, Spanish-speakers in particular, to join us in making nature education more equitable.
Please be aware that we will perform a background and reference check.
If you are interested in volunteering with our education team, please fill out a volunteer application by following the link at the top of this page. You can direct any questions to chira@blufflake.org
Community engagement volunteers are Bluff Lake ambassadors. They represent the mission of the organization by attending tables at public events and providing visitors with information about the site. Community engagement opportunities are perfect for the extroverts who love talking with people!
Opportunities are open on a one-off and ongoing basis. If you are interested in volunteering at Bluff Lake as a Community Engagement ambassador, please fill out a volunteer application by following the link of top of this page. You can direct any questions to chira@blufflake.org
Youth volunteer opportunities are open to those 16 to 18 years old. We have a variety of offerings, from one-off to recurring opportunities.
This is a great opportunity for teens to learn about responsibility while doing something they love. This can also be a great thing for teens to list on a resume or college application.
Please fill out a volunteer application by following the link of top of this page. Please note that a guardian will have to sign off on the volunteer application. You can direct any questions to chira@blufflake.org
Is your staff or community member looking for an opportunity for a team building activity that also makes for stronger and more resilient communities?
Bluff Lake Nature Center has proudly partnered with a variety of organizations who are committed to further Bluff Lake’s mission.
The biggest need for group volunteers is assisting with our land stewardship projects. On some occasions we might need support from volunteer groups at our special events. Please note that projects are heavily weather dependent, especially in the colder months.
If you would like to have your group volunteer with us, please fill out this form and one of our staff members will reach out to you.
COURT ORDERED COMMUNITY SERVICE - we are not accepting any new applicants at this time
Bluff Lake Nature Center is happy to work with you to complete community service hours for Arapahoe or Douglas Counties community service. Tasks may range from invasive plant species removal to miscellaneous maintenance projects and will predominantly involve trash pick up. Please note that we are not able to work with everyone who makes a request due to staff capacity. Fill out this application, and a staff member will be in contact with you.
Bluff Lake Nature Center is accepting applications to join our Board of Directors! Did you know that in 2022, BLNC…
→Had over 85,000 onsite visitors?
→Hosted programs for over 10,000 adults and children?
→Had 21 new bird species spotted by our bird watchers?
→Hosted summer camp for 450 campers?
Our organization is growing and we are seeking individuals who want to help! As we look towards the future, we want to make sure that our board is representative of all of the communities that we serve. By joining the board, you will have a chance to participate in strategic planning and implementation of BLNC’s vision.
Board Members commit to a three-year term of board service. Although board members often serve for an additional three-year term, it is not required. The BLNC Board of Directors meets eight times per year for 90 minutes. In addition, Directors are encouraged to participate and support BLNC committees, programs, and events.
We are hoping to bring on six new board members over the next year, so even if right now isn’t the best time but you are interested in future service, please get in touch!
Questions? Contact Rachel Hutchens, Executive Director at rachel@blufflake.org.
Ready to apply? Fill out this interest survey!